Hot off the Press!
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We’re loving our new fun promo video!
Wondering if your stress is natural or unnatural? Healthy or Toxic? In the next 4 minutes Dr. Glen shares 3 easy tips to help avoid unnatural stressors in our lives.
Struggling to get your partner active? If you’re looking for a new activity that not only improves your health but also your relationship you will want to listen to this weeks health tip from Dr. Glen.
Injury prevention is always important, but especially when you’re doing activities outside of our normal routine. Here are some tips from Dr. Glen Reed for how you can avoid injury when shoveling snow.
Shortbread, Gingerbread, Baileys and Truffles – Oh No ! Here are Dr. Glen’s tips to stay healthy while enjoying the holidays.
School lunches… Arghh! Learn why this parenting challenge is so important as well as some tips to make it a bit easier, and your child healthier.
This week Dr. Glen tells us we need to be watching more TV! Really Dr. Glen?